

Put your heart, mind, intellect, and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.

Swami Sivananda Saraswati

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Himalayan retreat

Immerse yourself in yogic practice.

The ancient teachings of India are filled with wisdom, and you can dive into them at our retreat in the Himalayas.     

During the retreat, you will participate in daily Satsang and chanting, Silent nature walk, meditation, yoga asana & pranayama classes and talks on Vedanta philosophy.

You’ll also get to explore temples and local village

Dates and further information coming soon.

Our lineage

Sivananda Himalaya draws the inspiration and follows the traditional teachings of Spiritual master Sri Swami Sivananda and his disciple Swami Vishnudevanda.


The practice can be easily understood through 5 points of yoga: Proper Exercise (Asanas), Proper Breathing (Pranayama), Proper Relaxation (Savasana), Proper Diet (vegetarian), Positive Thinking (Vedanta) and Meditation (Dhyana).


Together with Swami Sivananda’s yoga of synthesis, in which the Four Paths of Yoga (karma, bhakti, raja, jnana) are integrated, we believe a well-balanced sadhana (spiritual practice) is achievable by those sincerely seeking for change in their lives.


For more information about the teachings of Swami Sivananda visit the Divine Life Society website.